What does Pink Shirt Day mean? What does bullying look like? Here are our thoughts. . . .
- others being mean to you
- calling you names
- laughing at you in an unkind way
- making fun of you
- threatening you
- making fun of what you are wearing
- tripping you on purpose
- leaving you out
- ignoring you
- not letting you join their group
What are some kind things we can do for others to make sure bullying doesn't happen?
- don't laugh at others
- treat others the way you want to be treated
- if someone is hurt help them
- if someone needs help stop and make sure they are OK
- if someone is playing by themselves ask if they want to join your group
- if you see someone who is shy and looks like they have no friends invite them to play with you
- help even if you didn't make the mess
- make fair teams when you are playing team games
- step in and stand up for people who are being bullied
Every day is a NO BULLYING DAY in our classroom and school!!!!