Saturday 4 April 2015

Writer's Alive!

Last  week we learned one way to make our writing come alive for the reader!  We read the book; "Quick as a Cricket."  After reading the book we talked about how similes make our writing more interesting to read.  After our discussion, Mrs. Betts put some charts around the room and we worked in groups traveling from chart to chart trying to record as many similes as we could to finish the statement.

The next day we watched a YouTube video called "My Dog is as Smelly as Dirty Socks."  It was so funny.  You can watch it if you click on the link below!

Then we read the book, "My Best Friend is as Sharp as a Pencil."  We started to get a very good idea of how to make our writing more interesting by using similes.  Finally we wrote a poem about ourselves using similes!  Then we created a self portrait using the similes as parts of our body!  Can you find the comparisons in our pictures?

 I'm as crazy as a monkey
I'm as fast as a cheetah
I'm as smart as a teacher
I'm as happy as a bird
I'm as tall as a tree
Put it all together
That's ME!
by Serena
I'm as funny as a hyena
 I'm as smart as a book
I'm as artistic as my Grandma
I'm as jumpy as a monkey
I'm as stinky as socks
Put it all together 
That's ME!
by Karys

 How would you describe this teacher from the book, My Best Friends is as Sharp as a Pencil?  Can you use any similes in your writing?

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