What a busy day we had today. We were fortunate to have a guest speaker from the City of Surrey come and talk to us about taking care of our environment. This was a great way to wrap up our unit on recycling. She was very impressed with our knowledge of what can be recycled and composted and what is garbage. We started off with a short video about litter and how it hurts our planet, is dangerous to animals and is ugly to look at. She introduced the term "Great Pacific Garbage Patch." This describes the ocean that swirls around from Hawaii to Surrey and is about the size of British Columbia. We learned that turtles eat jelly fish and sometimes they think that plastic bags that end up in the ocean are actually jelly fish and they eat them! Then they are full and they don't eat any more and end up starving to death. We also learned that birds often mistake bottle caps for food and end up eating them and dying. Finally, we talked about how animals can get the plastic rings that hold cans together caught around their neck and this hurts them.
After our video we worked in small groups and did a sorting activity. We had to look at pictures and try to put together a litter-less lunch. We were very good at this! Mrs. Betts said it was from all our practice with sorting and our knowledge about recycling!
We also learned what are safe things to pick up outside and what should be left for an adult to get rid of. Then the real fun began. We went outside with gloves and tongs and cleaned up our school yard. You wouldn't believe what we found!
Are you a litter bug or do you help take care of our planet by using recyclable bags, by composting and by using the garbage cans whenever you have garbage?
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