That's all it took! We could name so many things that were matter. . . Desks, books, grass, water, juice, and the list went on and on and on! Then we wondered, " Is there anything that isn't matter?" We had more investigating to do.
Mrs. Betts did an experiment that used these things (which are all made of matter!)
Coloured water, marbles and oil!
First she had a glass of blue coloured water and she asked us to predict what would happen if she dropped 30 small marbles into the glass. Some of us thought the marbles would float like ice cubes ( which was a great connection to what we already know), and some of us thought the marbles would sink and the water would rise up. We recorded our prediction on our science papers just like scientists do. . . very carefully and accurately! Once we had recorded our predictions we watched Mrs. Betts put the marbles in the glass. We helped her count by 2s so she wouldn't forget how many she had put in. Guess what? The marbles sank and the water got higher!!! Do you know why?
It's because matter takes up space! The marbles were taking up the space at the bottom of the glass so the water had to move out of the way so it went up!
Next we tried the same experiment only this time instead of marbles we used oil! What do you think happened?
If you said the oil went to the top you are right! Can you explain why? We had lots of fun stirring the oil and water together and watching bubbles form and then watching the oil and water slowly separate. There was lots of discussion about what was happening and why!
Science is so much fun! Check back soon to see what we learn next in our science investigations!
What are you learning in science at school?
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