Thursday 4 April 2013

Magical Measures!

Today we went outside to do our math!  We were measuring with meter sticks.  We worked with the Coyotes  (the other grade 2 class) in groups of four.  Each group had 2 meter sticks.  We had to measure the sandbox, the hopscotch frame, the bridge, the electrical box and the soccer goal.  Before we measured we had to estimate how long or wide we thought the items were.  Our guesses were much closer to the actual measure since we have had so much practice estimating and measuring things.  We had so much fun despite the little raindrops that made our page wet!

We have learned lots about measuring.  Here are some of the things we have learned
Alexa's learned that you must go slow; Melody's learned that you can use two meter sticks to measure things that are longer than a meter; Henry's learned that you should measure twice before recording your answer; Maxim, and Jenson said it's important to measure accurately;  Matt knows there are 1000 millimeters in a meter; Trevor knows that there are 100 centimeters in a meter. 

Do you use any type of measurement in your job? 


  1. Thank you for commenting on our blog! We liked reading about your measurement lesson outside! We might try that some day. We fed your class pet while we were here.

  2. Thanks for visiting our blog. We loved doing our measurement lesson outside. Some of us were very accurate when we were measuring our items. Our pet is very hungry and thirsty so please feed him whenever you notice he needs it! We hope he doesn't get too fat!
