Mrs. Soo introduced us to just a few choices - there were Kiva blocks, Lego (with a challenge), Tower Building (with another challenge), and Building a Marble Maze (with all kinds of "stuff").
Look what we made! Our challenge was to build the tallest tower we could that would hold a tennis ball!
The finished products!
The challenge we had with Lego was to build our idea of a fantasy playground. What would we like a playground to have if we could design our own?
This looks like a very space age playground!
Keva blocks are so much fun to build with!
I think I heard Matthew say this was a garbage can! Hope he is not being sick!!!!
This was a marble challenge - could we build a marble maze from recycled materials. . . wow! We were very creative. It took lots of thinking, trials, problem solving and cooperation . . . . but it worked!
Do you have a maker space or STEAM room in your school? Do you like to build and create something new from recycled material?
Wow, I can see a lot of learning happening in the STEAM room. How exciting! ~Lisa